Three ways to master email marketing with iOS 15
Mordi Levi
November 2, 2021

In Apple’s latest iOS update, iOS 15, Apple has blocked marketers from accessing information about email open rates. This basically means that it’s no longer possible to see whether your target audience on iOS opened your emails. This makes it nearly impossible to tell if your campaign is successful or not.

It’s time to rethink your email strategy.

With iOS making up nearly 38% of all mobile email traffic, the effects of iOS 15 should not be taken lightly. We sat down with our Creative Optimization Manager, Jonathan Shyman, to learn about different methods you can use to measure open rates in the age of iOS 15.

#1 Tracking clicks instead of opens

It’s time to reduce your reliance on open rates and start measuring click-through rates to determine the success of an email campaign. You’ll need to place a stronger focus on which language, messaging, and designs lead to higher click-through rates. By analyzing click-through rates from different segments, you’ll see which links inside your email marketing campaign drove traffic and engagement from individuals who opened their email.

#2 Use AI to craft better subject lines

AB testing subject lines are becoming increasingly difficult without an accurate picture of who is opening your emails. The solution? Skip AB testing subject lines and use AI services to optimize and measure your subject lines before sending out a campaign. Tools like Sharethrouigh Headline Optimizer, are a great way to hone in on the right messaging for your subject lines. Additionally, looking at previous data is another great way to see patterns of subject lines that convert with your target audience.

#3 A/B test landing pages instead of email content

While it may not be feasible to A/B test subject lines and content on a large scale, it is possible to do it on landing pages. Try A/B testing your headlines, call-to-actions, and offers on your landing page to get a better sense of what converts better. Then, take that data and apply it to your future email campaigns.

Apple’s iOS 15 update will make it more challenging to measure the success of email marketing campaigns, but not impossible. Utilizing click-through rates, AI tools to craft better subject lines, and testing landing pages instead of emails, are all great ways to optimize your email campaigns in the age of iOS 15.

If you’re looking for help with any aspect of your digital marketing plan, from A to Z, Israel365 Media is here for you! Just let us know what we can do to get you started.